7 weeks 6 days

Some hilarity for your Friday: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/your-baby-translated

Crying, 6:20 PM = “The ways in which you are failing me are at once too numerous and too complex for either of us to ever fully comprehend, but we will both spend the rest of our lives trying. The work will never end.

So, according to this app I just downloaded (the Wonder Weeks), Emily is going to hit her first major developmental leap in the next few days.  Here’s what’s in store:

Because your baby is so young, it is very difficult for an adult to understand exactly how her perception has changed after going through this leap. A father described the post-leap change he saw in his daughter as follows:

“She doesn’t see me; she looks at me. She doesn’t hear me; she listens to me. It seems like a kind of awakening from anesthesia, alert, born a second time, after which she enters a new world again.”

Daddy Vincent

These are examples of what your baby might do after going through this leap:
(Note: A baby never does these things all at once! Your baby only does a few things from this list.)

• Looks at something longer and more frequently
• Responds to touch differently
• Gives a social smile for the first time
• Responds to odors more clearly
• Is more awake and “busy”

Strangely, it seems as though Emily has already shown some signs of this leap. She’s always been a very intent “looker”, and only continues to observe her world more and more. She’s had a few social smiles, although they are fleeting, and not reliably every day. And she has definitely started to seem much more awake, alert and busy. Especially when we put her on her pop n play mat! She does get easily overwhelmed in there, trying to reach and grab the toys, and not being able to. I think it’s frustrating for her, so I’ll pick her up and cuddle her after 5-10 minutes (or sooner, if she seems to be more upset). She loves cuddles, even more than play time at this stage!

She really wants this yellow flower, and would spend hours trying to grab hold of it if Mommy didn't intercede and give her a break!

She really wants this yellow flower, and would spend hours trying to grab hold of it if Mommy didn’t intercede and give her a break!

so that’s what we’re up to now. Sleeping, cuddling, reading books, lying around on the floor, lots of talking and making silly noises, singing, playing music, bath time, and outside time. She’s got a full and complex life, and is handling it all beautifully!

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7 weeks 5 days

Hanging out on the deck after breakfast before it gets too hot!

Hanging out on the deck after breakfast before it gets too hot!

I realized I hadn't taken any pictures with Daddy. Let's fix that!

I realized I hadn’t taken any pictures with Daddy. Let’s fix that!

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7 weeks 4 days


Play time!

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7 weeks 2 days

I think she looks a bit more like Louis in this one.

I think she looks a bit more like Louis in this one.

She loves her knitted rainbow rattle snake!

She loves her knitted rainbow rattle snake!

Emily is trying out some new face expressions.


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7 weeks 1 day

There's a baby in there somewhere...

There’s a baby in there somewhere…

Walked to the bridge over Bear Creek today.


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7 weeks

Story time! Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

Story time! Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

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6 weeks 6 days

Emily gets a first look at herself in the mirror. Yes, you!

Emily gets a first look at herself in the mirror. Yes, you!





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6 weeks 5 days

I don't know why this photo reminds me of astronauts in space. Look at the stars!

I don’t know why this photo reminds me of astronauts in space. Look at the stars!

Emily seemed to have a little breakthrough when it comes to reaching and grabbing things. This is a very complex skill, so it was a pretty subtle shift from completely random arm flailing to something approximating intentional movement, but still! It means she is clearly interested in objects, but just not quite able to physically express that interest. Her face expressions are getting livelier every day though!

Story time: Pajama Time! by Sandra Boynton (the daughter of my computer science teacher in grade school!) Five stars, especially love the illustrations.

Plus a record-breaking 15 minutes of tummy time without a single fuss or muss.

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6 weeks 4 days

Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?

Do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched?

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6 weeks 2 days

Rule #1 of parenting: do not wake a sleeping baby, no matter where they are.

Rule #1 of parenting: do not wake a sleeping baby, no matter where they are.

Story time today was “Guess how much I love you?” featuring two nut brown hares. I nearly shed a tear reading it! Mom gives it five stars. Emily doesn’t know what stars are yet.

Some randomness for today: I am now 317 times older than Emily. She might live to see the year 2117.

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6 weeks 1 day

Oops, no pictures today. Occasionally I will just post random thoughts too. This blog post by another Emily has some suggestions for what to say instead of “cherish these moments while they’re still so small” after a mother of an infant or toddler complains about how their child never sleeps:

  • I don’t remember how hard it was never sleeping because I’m retired and I sleep until 10 now and I spend all day playing Candy Crush. SO I’m just going to shut the fuck up. (Might be too specific).
  • That sounds tough, want me to drop you over something with chocolate in it?
  • You don’t look tired at all. You look like a glam actress who only eats paleo stuff and drinks grass smoothies.
  • I heard kids who don’t sleep are smarter than kids who do.
  • Parenting is really hard sometimes. It’s ok to find it hard sometimes.


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6 weeks

Emily will soon surpass Zoey (the cat) in terms of intelligence, but until then, the sisters can share toys.

Emily will soon surpass Zoey (the cat) in terms of intelligence, but until then, the sisters can share toys.



Last night I truly vegged out for the first time in two months! I watched “Don’t Think Twice” (produced by Ira Glass) and it was excellent! I stayed up till 10pm to finish it, and then of course Emily had a very fussy night and was up a 5am, so not much sleep was had. No regrets!

Story Time: Are you my mother? P. D. Eastman.

Walk: 30 minutes, to the park. The closest park has no shade, so that might be suboptimal.

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