Oh no! I have exactly zero photos of Emily from yesterday (I generally write these posts the morning after, and the backdate the timestamps). So I will write a short update instead. Emily is absolutely loving getting to spend time with her aunt, uncle and cousin (age 12). She’s playing happily for extremely long periods of time, and even flashing a few brilliant smiles. In fact, she has such determined focus while playing that she seems not to notice hunger or her own growing sleepiness! She’ll just keep playing, eyelids getting progressively heavier…
She’s still about a week or two out from being a consistent smiler, but I’m glad they at least get a glimpse of what’s to come. Uncle Alex has confirmed my suspicions that Emily is an extraordinarily good natured baby, and will likely continue to grow into a peaceful, happy, good natured kid. It somehow never occurred to me that you could start to see the core of someone’s personality even as newborns, but it makes so much sense!